Don't Wait 'Cause This Beauty Won't Wait! Laminate Floor Thru-Out & Neutral Paint. Lowest-Priced In Cosmo! Healthy Morning Sun, Steps To Ttc Sbwy, Next To Dominion, Shops & Bistros, 24-Hrs Concierge & Undrgrnd Security Linked To Concierge! Indoor Pool, Exercise Centre, Multi-Purpose Rm, Guest Suite & Other Modern Amenities. **** EXTRAS **** 7 Appliances, 18-Cube-Ft Fridge, Self-Cleaning Stove, O/Head Microwave W/ B/I Fan, B/I Dishwasher, Stacked Washer/Dryer, Mini-Oven/Toaster,2 Bedrm Lamps, Blinds, Ceramic Bcksplsh, Granite Countertop, 1 Locker P3 #114 & 1 Prkng P3 #c2.
Property Summary: